How can I know the size of my Oracle Database? What is the size of the Tablespaces in an Oracle Database?
An Oracle database stores the data in logical units called Tablespaces. Therefore, to know the size of the whole instance you need to know the size of each tablespace. Continue reading “Tablespace size of an Oracle Database”
Check the accuracy of your system clock
Sometimes we run into problems caused by unsynchronized local date & time values. In this post we will see how to evaluate the difference between our computer an a public NTP server. Continue reading “Check the accuracy of your system clock”
Find the Domain Controller with the PDC role using DNS
If you need to find the Domain Controller with PDC role, you can use the Domain DNS Server to do it fast and clean.
You just need to know the domain name. Continue reading “Find the Domain Controller with the PDC role using DNS”
Flush DNS local Cache
If you need to force your system to query DNS Server for a domain instead of using a local DNS cache, you have to flush DNS local cache. Continue reading “Flush DNS local Cache”
Modifying Hosts file in Windows
This file is used to associate names with IP addresses.
Usually we use DNS Server as a name service, but sometimes we want to associate a custom name to a concrete IP address. Continue reading “Modifying Hosts file in Windows”
Opening an elevated command prompt
In this post, we are going to see how to open a command prompt as Administrator, in this case in Windows 2012, but it should be the same in most of the cases. Continue reading “Opening an elevated command prompt”