How can I know the size of my Oracle Database? What is the size of the Tablespaces in an Oracle Database?
An Oracle database stores the data in logical units called Tablespaces. Therefore, to know the size of the whole instance you need to know the size of each tablespace.
Tablespace size query
With this query you can check the free space, total size and usage percentage of each tablespace.
select tablespace, Free, Total, TRUNC((100-((Free/total)*100)),2) USED_PCT from ( select tablespaces.tablespace_name tablespace,ROUND(nvl(sum(fr.BYTES/1024/1024),0)) Free from dba_free_space fr right outer join dba_tablespaces tablespaces on tablespaces.tablespace_name=fr.tablespace_name group by tablespaces.tablespace_name order by 2 desc nulls last) fre, (select tablespace_name, sum(bytes)/1024/1024 total from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) siz where fre.tablespace=siz.tablespace_name order by PCT_USADO desc;